
Friday, January 18, 2008

New GSC Chamber Visits City Hall

NEW GSC CHAMBER @ THE CITY HALL. New officers of the Gen. Santos City Chamber of Commerce & Industry pay a visit on Mayor Pedro Acharon, Jr. (seated) on January 17, 2008 where they reiterated their support of the city's economic policies and committed to reinforce their partnership with the local government towards moves to further strengthen the viability and vitality of the city's economy. Standing from left are Raymund Salangsang (Director for Gen. Services), Engr. Manuel F.D. Yaphockun (Director for Real Estate & Construction); Domingo Teng (Director for Fishing & Aquaculture); Jan Ced (President & Director for Information Technology); Pilar Afuang (GSCCCII Executive Director); Thomas Y. Haw (Director for Commerce & Trade); Ms. Bebei Gonzales (Director for Sector-at-Large); and Orman O. Manansala (Vice-President & Director for Financial Sector). (GenSan CMO/avel manansala)

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